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Workers' Compensation

Workers’ compensation systems exist to replace lost wages and to provide medical care and permanent disability compensation to workers who have been injured on the job or become ill as a result of their work environment. The second justification for workers’ compensation systems is that they allow employers to address the needs of injured and sick workers in a no-fault environment. By shielding employers from costly and drawn-out litigation in most injury and illness scenarios, workers’ compensation benefits the employer as much as the worker who needs to file a claim.

A workplace injury or the diagnosis of an occupational disease can be costly. In many instances, your medical expenses, lost wages, and rehabilitation costs should be covered by workers’ compensation insurance. The Law Offices of Marc S. Ward can help you file a claim, appeal a denied claim or get the money to which you are entitled. Our Frederick, MD workers compensation lawyer will do everything to get you the best possible settlement for your injuries. Even if your employer does not carry workers’ compensation coverage, you may still be entitled to money for your work-related injuries. Call us today at (301) 381-3147 to speak with a Maryland workers compensation attorney.

The workers’ compensation system is not always a fair and balanced two-way street. For many workers who have been injured at their job, or have become sick from exposure to chemicals, contaminants, or a work environment that is unsafe in general, the workers’ compensation system is an adversarial one that pits the understandable concerns of injured workers against the financial-business interests of their employers and insurance companies. For this reason, among many others, a worker who needs to file a claim for workers’ compensation benefits should strongly consider a scheduling a consultation with our office, who specializes in handling workers’ compensation claims. Our Maryland workers compensation attorney has handled numerous cases involving work related injuries and we have achieved favorable settlements for our clients. Give us a call at (301) 381-3147 for a Free Case Evaluation.